You Are Invited
to Our Wedding Ceremony!
Sunday, 07 Aug 2022
Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Dengan memohon Rahmat & Ridho Allah SWT, kami bermaksud untuk menyelenggarakan pernikahan putra-putri kami yang bernama:
When We First Met
We first met on Raja's sister (Aan) engagement day on February 2020. Our mothers were a good friend in Senior High School back then. There is nothing special happened for almost 2 years.
Due to COVID-19, Aan's wedding reception was postponed until December 2021. Riyan came with his parents, and we took our first picture together.
We Are Getting Closer
On December, Riyan asked Raja to accompany him to visit his coworker who had just giving birth, her place was just 5 mins far from Raja's house.
A week later, Raja tried to get to know Riyan better by inviting Riyan to give a birthday surprise to her Dad in Sentul. Raja's Dad had been truly surprised with our cake, even getting more surprised by Riyan's presence haha!
Two days later, Riyan's Dad was also having a birthday, and he invited Raja to have a birthday dinner celebration together with his family in Bekasi.
At the end of December, Raja had turned to 26 years old with her best support system. Raja invited Riyan to a birthday lunch. It was her first time to invite a man to have a conversation with her whole family.
We have been together ever since.
He Proposed and She Said Yes!
It was only 3 months to make us believe in each other. Riyan asked Raja's permission to meet her parents. Needless to say, Raja said yes! We were being engaged on March 2022. So, it is you, who I would love to spend my time with ♥
Sunday, 07 August 2022
07:00 - 09:00
Sunday, 07 August 2022
11:00 - 13:00
Covid-19 Protocols
Sunday, August 7th, 2022
11:00 - 13:00
Venue Swasana Wedding LIPI Grand Ballroom Jl. Gatot Subroto No.10 Rt 06/01, RT.6/RW.1, Kuningan Barat, Kec. Mampang Prpt., Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12710
LocationSedang Memuat Komentar..
Atas doa restunya kami ucapkan Terimakasih!
Kami yang berbahagia,